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Ultraviolet lamp system, UltravationTM, economy, remote 17" lamps (2), 120Vac
Vendor Name:
URI Part Number:
Vendor Part Number:
Economy, Remote, 120 V
Shipping Weight (Lbs.):
Lamp Length (In.):
17, Straight
Number of Lamps:
Power Consumption Max. (Watts):

An Ultravation UV system brings the natural disinfection power of sunlight indoors.Ultraviolet light is well known to be germicidal (at certain frequencies). It is used widely to keep food and liquids germ-free during processing and packaging, and has been built into aircraft ventilation systems to help prevent infections. Ultravation UV air disinfection equipment floods areas of an HVAC system with UV light. As air circulates through the system, it is disinfected, resulting in a dramatic reduction of airborne bacteria and viruses.
Mold is one of the top five allergens. The constant re-circulation of air through the HVAC system helps keep mold growth throughout the home or building in check.
Ultravation UV works to keep the contaminants off the coil, helping to optimize the efficiency of the system; it's an investment that can pay for itself!
UMT systems have a 6 ft cable and may be remotely mounted

  • Exclusive microprocessor control system; Three stage total UV status check, audible and visible alarm
  • One year UV lamp warranty
  • ESP Electronic-Smart Power supply
  • Phillips Compact-Twin U shaped UV lamps on integral UMX systems, retains 85% original disinfection power