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Vendor Name:
Micro Thermo Technologies
URI Part Number:
Vendor Part Number:
12.5" W x 4.56" H x 2.15" D
Shipping Weight (Lbs.):

Using highly accurate valve profiles coupled with advanced control algorithms, the Micro Thermo Technologies Case Controller can prevent significant under / over shoot. This can reduce temperature shocks to food and provide up to an estimated 2% impact (savings) on food loss. Better control of electric expansion valves results in lower energy usage, while better maintaining temperature and food quality.

  • Uses advanced alarm schemes to safeguard food. Monitors cumulative temperature fluctuations over time. These additional alarms can provide early warnings that help protect food quality and intelligently predict system failures.
  • Features control of an electric expansion valve, fans, defrost, anti-sweat, and lighting for complete case control.
  • Easily integrates into the Micro Thermo Technologies Alliance Platform, which provides a simple user interface for easy setup, comprehensive data recording, and local / remote oversight.
  • Compatible with all of today's common refrigerants, including CO2
  • Windows® interface with built-in tools to ease start-up
  • Smart fan control
  • Multiple control schemes, including true pressure temperature superheat control
  • Built-in dual temperature case control capability